Many think about eliminating things that no longer serve them, especially when it is a defect in personality. Most consider anger, fear and hatred some of those emotions that no longer serve because they become a heavy weight to bare. Individuals looking to eliminate ego/personality would be better to…
Do you ever get so tired that you just want to say f*ck you to the world? Then realize, how spiritual would that be? Everyone falls off the wagon once in awhile. The important thing is to get back on. The spiritual path can be long and arduous. If…
Competition brings out our true nature. We see competitors who never give up until the end and those who quit before the game has even started. If you want to discover your true nature, then play a competitive sport, become an entrepreneur, or go for your dreams. You will quickly…
When you live life with integrity, you live with honor. With honor comes respect. If good things are not working for you, then look at your level of integrity and work towards healing that area in your life…
If you’re feeling a little overwhelmed and tired, the biggest culprit could be your living space. For many of us, we barely have time to do the laundry much less fix the broken window in our kitchen. Take a few hours and clean out the refrigerator, donate clothes…