When trust is broken between two people, life is surreal. The voices in your head and the images you see directly in front of you become an illusion. You often don’t know what to think, believe and the world just seems to spin. Trust once broken, will never…
Transformation is a natural progression of life. Life is forever changing and it will continue to do so until you are no longer on this plane. Finding love and peace of mind is the ultimate goal. Do not stop reaching for your hearts truest desires. Your hearts desires never cease…
If you’re feeling stuck and unmotivated, then consider making some changes in your life. Your soul is hungry for knowledge and it’s time to take the next step of your soul’s evolution. It might be time to look for a new job or…
Each one of us has a spiritual path. It is uniquely and divinely our own…
I hear voices. When I was a little girl, I would look behind me to see if there were other people in the room. I hear so many different voices…