What songs are running through your mind right now? Songs that resonate with you often might just be a subconscious desire for something to be healed or is in the process of being healed. What song is playing over and over in your head? Are you singing it? Are you…
If you want to keep your spiritual practice simple and manifest your desires, keep in mind two phrases. Use “please” and “thank you” daily and often. The Universe loves it when we show faith and gratitude. When you use “please” you are asking and…
Someone said to me today, “at least she’s not a drug addict or alcoholic.” My initial reaction was one of agreement, but in consciousness our thoughts create the life we live. Have you thought about your standards for the people around you? Is the standard that…
If you are feeling depressed, sluggish, tired or things are just not going your way, then your soul has become spiritually starved. Your soul requires a spiritual connection (i.e. love and belief in a higher power) to survive. Your body needs nourishment to be strong, healthy and to function…
Whatever you’re doing today, you’re making a difference in the lives you touch. The “doing” is neutral. It may either hurt or benefit others. The motivation behind the “doing” is what creates the positive or negative effect. Do you come from a…