If you can wrap your head around this idea… every act and thought is written in a book. It is written in permanent maker and can’t ever be removed. If you can wrap you head around this idea, then you understand karma. Fill your book with acts…
When time passes, it can never be replaced. We’re all another moment older and hopefully, wiser. We can take the moments for granted or as a gift. I love the saying “time flies when you’re having fun.” I plan to spend every moment in…
Each one of us is a piece in a puzzle called the Universe. Each of us contributes to the whole. When a piece in the puzzle is missing, the puzzle will always remain incomplete.  …
Use your power wisely. You have more influence and strength in whatever situation you are in. Be careful who you give power to, especially when it is fear and lack…
Do you consider your life a success? Success is truly a state of mind. Depending on where you are in life and what circumstances you’ve come from…getting up every morning is a success. We must never forget that life IS a blessing and success comes in…