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Happy Lunar New Year

I’m so excited to launch this blog today. The new year always represents a new beginning, moving forward and letting go of the past. My mantra this year is to “Be Brave” and to live life with intention and flow…


As you go through life, acknowledge the present moment and have gratitude for it. This moment in time will not happen again. It will be lost forever. Do not be melancholic over the moment. Many more beautiful and amazing things will come your way. Just acknowledge and breath. Pour thankfulness…

My Friends Won’t Help Me

If you’re looking to share your life with someone, then show, rather than tell your friends you’re available so if they know of someone they might introduce you…

Living in Awesomeness is Perspective

Do you live an amazing life? If I gave you unlimited dreams and the guarantee that all possible, would you dream the most impossible dream? Find that soulmate? Live in luxury and financial abundance? Have a healthy strong body? Making a dream come true is really manifesting the internal to…

Too Much on My To Do List

I’ve finally come up with best resolution to my very long “to do” list. I just simply crossed off items from the list that were added because I felt guilty saying NO, items that were not life threatening, and items that were just plain busy work…