Each one of us has a spiritual path. It is uniquely and divinely our own…
I hear voices. When I was a little girl, I would look behind me to see if there were other people in the room. I hear so many different voices…
When something makes you angry, accept the anger and let it go. Anger often breeds resentment and hate. When you acknowledge you’re angry, you then give it a voice. Once you face your anger, you’re able to begin healing. Spirituality is about acknowledgement of our souls…
Monday mornings are moments of new beginnings. A fresh start to the week. A great time to set goals and put dreams into motion. Monday’s allow you to create a fresh start. Start the week with purpose. Set a goal. Monday’s have the ability to create…
When you do things from a place of love, you feel a sense of compassion and service. When you do things out of obligation, you do it out of guilt, resentment and anger. You may not sense the energy yourself, but those around you do. Karma is created and will…