Use your power wisely. You have more influence and strength in whatever situation you are in. Be careful who you give power to, especially when it is fear and lack…
Take a look at your friendships today? Are they happy, fun, mutually beneficial? If not, maybe it’s time to release them and make new ones…
When I pull this card I’m often reminded to pay attention to those special souls in my life. Oftentimes, a quick call to someone to say ‘I love you” is the perfect way to honor the soul…yours and the ones around you…
Don’t wait for an occasion to celebrate. Find something to celebrate in each day, even if it’s just getting up and walking to the bathroom to brush your teeth. Think about how many people who can’t get out of bed or even have teeth…
The new year is approaching and I’m in a panic that I haven’t completed all that I wanted to do in 2013. I’ve reached some goals/resolutions and completely “let go” of others. Instead of focusing on the past, I’m…