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Life Is Amazing Again

Thank you to all of you who have asked about how I’m feeling. Summer is officially here! I’m so excited to sleep in and let my body rest. During the other seasons, I’m on a schedule, but summer allows me the freedom I long…

You’re A Big Girl Now

It’s time to let go of all the hurts, bruises and pains from your childhood and past relationships. You’re a big girl now! Today is the day we begin to heal. Realization that people from the past can’t continue to hurt us because of…

Are His Children A Good Reason to Break up

This post was moved to My Manners Matter, my blog on Spiritual Parenting and Combined Families. Check it out…

Is Love Enough

The moment we come into the world we begin to seek nourishment, safety, security…all those things that ensure survival. Does loving and being loved ensure our survival…

The Boy Who Cried Wolf

I have run across several people lately that believe telling a lie is better than hurting someone’s feelings. I personally would rather hear the worse truth, then the best lie. It has been my experience that the truth eventually comes out or in other words, the lie is…