Raise Your Standard

Someone said to me today, “at least she’s not a drug addict or alcoholic.” My initial reaction was one of agreement, but in consciousness our thoughts create the life we live. Have you thought about your standards for the people around you? Is the standard that your partner, child, friend, family member is not a drug addict or alcoholic? Is it then OK to have someone in your life that is unfaithful, rude, a master manipulator, a cheater, a compulsive liar? I have know some very kind, honest, and hardworking people who I later found out were drug users or alcoholics. What standards do you hold for yourself? Is it to be kind, helpful, loving, joyful or is it OK to just be a nasty human being because you’re not a drug user or addict of some kind? When you raise the standards for yourself, you raise the standard for those around you. Be mindful of your thoughts and boundaries and you’re on your way to surrounding yourself with less drama and more joy.