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Daily Archives: November 8, 2014

The Magic of An Apology

A incident happened a few months back where I asked another parent that their child apologize for a behavior I felt was hurtful and unkind. The parent said they would talk to their child. Basically, to see if I, an adult should, would, deserved an apology. It’s been…

Are His Children A Good Reason to Break up

It is a red flag! When a woman feels like her man chooses his daughters (sons, different topic) over her, the relationship is essentially over. A man should always choose his beloved even if he thinks she is wrong. When a woman doesn’t feel like the number one…

Change is Life

When you begin to understand that life will change, then you will begin to flow and move with nature. Change is the only constant in nature. Time is always passing. The earth is always spinning. Everything comes to life and everything comes to end. Enjoy every moment and prepare for…