Friendships of the Superior Kind

Have you looked around lately? Do you have friends? That old saying of “birds of the same feather flock together.” What if your answer is “yes, I have a lot of friends.” Then, I have to say you must also be a great friend and companion.

Friendships change as we grow older. People who have lots of friends are often great friends. They stay in touch, check in on you, invite you out, are around in the time of need and celebration.

Here are my three tips for being a “superior” friend.

1. Compassion. Superior friends who show compassion for each other know that their friendships are not perfect and neither are individuals. We learn to accept each other completely.

2. Non-judgmental. Superior friends don’t judge who we marry, what type of job we have, or how we raise our children. They just support you and get you help, even if you don’t want it.

3. Know when to end the friendship. Superior friends know when the friendship has come full circle and the friendship must end. As with all things in life, if you can’t be a good friend to someone, then it might be the right time to call it quits.

Thanks for taking the time to read.
